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Green Lake Lodge No. 149 Links

Our Lodge's Facebook Site - Events announcements, news, pictures and other social stuff.  Aimed primarily at current Lodge members.

Other Masonic Links

Freemasonry at Wikipedia - Learn more about Freemasonry from the fount of all knowledge


Petition to become a Mason - Join by filling out this petition and sending it in!  (You must also read this.)  Clickhere to learn more about joining us.


Grand Lodge of Washington - The "parent" Lodge of all Washington state Lodges


District 4 - Distric 4 is a geographical goruping of Lodges in Northwest Seattle to which Green Lake 149 belongs.  Here's a list of those D4 Lodges, along with their stated meeting times.

Other Seattle Lodge Sites

We're not the only Lodge in Seattle (just the friendliest.)  Our brothers at Daylight Lodge #232  share the same Lodge building with us on Green Lake:


Daylight #232 - Focusing on musician and artistic members
Eureka #20 - Focusing on science education

University #141 - Serving the University of Washington area (right on University Way)
Doric #92 - In the Fremont neighborhood
Occidental #72 - In Ballard
Greenwood #253 - In the Greenwood neighborhood
Rainier #189 - In the Greenwood neighborhood (same building as Greenwood 253)
Maritime #239 - In the Greenwood Masonic Center
Walter F. Meier #281 - A Lodge of Masonic research in the Greenwood neighborhood (same building as Greenwood 253)

Appendant Bodies of Masonry
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"Appendant bodies" are organizations related to Masonry outside of the so-called 'Blue' Lodges (like ours.)  Some of these build on 'regular' Blue Lodge masonry.  These include the Shrine, Scottish and York rite, and Royal Arch.  

Others do not require membership in Blue Lodges, and are open to both men and women.  Examples of these include Job's Daughters and Order of the Eastern Star.

Job's Daughters of Washington State - For young women aged 10 - 20 who are related to a Mason

Order of the Eastern Star - Grand Chapter of Washington - For adult men and women

De Molay - A leadership development organization for young men aged 12 - 21

© 2015 Green Lake Lodge No. 149

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