Green Lake Lodge No. 149
The friendliest lodge in Seattle!

An estimated 6 million people are Masons worldwide, with nearly 2 million in the United States alone.
Many famous people in history were Freemasons: 14 US Presidents including George Washington, Harry Truman, Gerald Ford, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Teddy Roosevelt. Ben Franklin, Paul Revere, Winston Churchill, Mark Twain, Mozart, Goethe, Oscar Wilde, explorer Ernest Shackleton, actor John Wayne and big band leader Duke Ellington were all Masons too!
We are always on the lookout for opportunities to help out charitable organizations and north Seattle community groups. We prefer to offer support through our manpower, the use of our Lodge facilities, and the donation of the skills of our members on behalf of your organization.
Our Lodge has been a part of the Green Lake community for over 100 years. We are committed to serving our members and our surrounding community.